SEED Brkyln
Visual Direction: FW24 Season Launch
Devised and excuted visual merchandising concept for SEED Brklyn’s FW24 season launch - showcasing Martine Rose, Undercover, and Heliot Emil. Implemented organic outfitting across wardobe style fixtures to promote customer curiosity and interactivity. As a top sales performer, Martine Rose jersey pieces were allocated the largest amount of visual real estate, with a further alcove dedicated to tailoring. Strong stand-out pieces from Heliot Emil and Undercover are given wall space to boast their impressive features to clients directly.
Visual Direction: Chance the Rapper ‘Starline’ merhcandise pop-up
Devised and excuted merchandising plan for Chance the Rapper’s rollout pop-up, meant to coincide with new album Starline - situated within the SEED Brklyn Garden space. Pop-up featured apparel, accessories, homeware items, and vinyl records, seated and displayed in a natural and interconnected layout as to encourage exploration and immersion.